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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a swap?

A swap involves trading one token for a different one. To perform such an operation you need an exchange. There exists both Centralized Exchanges (like Binance) or Decentralized Exchanges (like Osmosis).

What exchange do I use to perform the swaps?

The Osmosis outposts use the Osmosis decentralized exchange to perform the swaps. In fact, instead to build their own DEx, the outpost chains can use this structure provided by Osmosis and the IBC technology to increase the user experience and on-boarding process of their platforms.

What about the fees?

You will pay for the IBC transaction costs on the outpost chain and the swap costs on the Osmosis pools. The costs for the transaction are shown on the wallet you are using, while the costs for the swap are shown on the interface.

No route for this trade

If you want to perform a swap but the swap button is disabled and says "No route for this trade", there is no route available on the contract to perform this swap directly. You can try to break the operation in two sub-operations, or sub-swaps, maybe passing through the OSMO token.

Not allowed

If you want to perform a swap but the swap button is disabled and says "Not allowd", this means that you denied the connection of the dApp to one of the chains involved in the swap operations. You can allow/deny such permissions directly through your wallet (e.g., keplr).

How can I add assets to the platform?

Assuming you have already performed all the necessary configuration on the Osmosis smart contracts, you can list new assets on the platforms by adding them to the Osmosis Outposts Assetlists repository.

‼️ Important consideration about adding assets to the platform

The data provided through the assetlist are realized to be consumed by an outpost.

For this reason, according to how an outpost is designed, you need to ensure that all the tokens you are listing, are able to be swapped on Osmosis and recevied from and sent to the outpost chain. To do this, you need to list only the tokens who can reach your blockchain.

E.g., if you are constructing the Juno outpost and Stride blockchain does not have configured the Packet Forward Middleware (PFM), you cannot list stride on your outpost, since you cannot receive your stride tokens back to the Juno blockchain automatically.