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The gov module enables on-chain governance which allows Osmosis token holders to participate in a community led decision-making process. For example, users can:

  • Form an idea and seek feedback
  • Create a proposal and adjust according to feedback as needed
  • Submit a proposal along with an initial deposit
  • Deposit tokens and fund an active proposal
  • Vote for an active proposal


Network parameters

The network parameters for the gov module are:

  • deposit_params - Deposit related parameters

    • min_deposit: Minimum deposit (in uOSMO) for a proposal to enter voting period
    • max_deposit_period: Maximum period (in nanoseconds) for OSMO holders to deposit on a proposal.
  • voting_params - Voting related parameters

    • voting_period: The length of the voting period (in nanoseconds)
  • tally_params - Tally related parameters

    • quorum: The minimum percentage (in decimal form) of voting power that needs to be casted on a proposal for the result to be valid
    • threshold: Minimum proportion (in decimal form) of Yes votes (excluding Abstain votes) for the proposal to be accepted
    • veto: Minimum value of Veto votes to total votes ratio (in decimal form) for proposal to be vetoed.

The Governance Procedure

Phase 0 - Submit a proposal along with an initial deposit

Users submits a proposal with an initial deposit. The proposal will then become "active" and enters the deposit period.

Phase 1 - Deposit period

During the deposit period, users can deposit and support an active proposal. Once the deposit of the proposal reaches the min_deposit, it will enter the voting period. Otherwise, if the proposal is not successfully funded within max_deposit_period, It will become inactive and all the deposits will be burned.

Phase 2 - Voting period

During the voting period, staked (bonded) tokens will be able to participate in the voting process. Users can choose one of the following options: yes, no, no_with_veto and abstain.

After the voting_period has passed, the proposal will be considered "Rejected" and the funds deposited in the deposit period will be burned if:

  • Votes do not reach the quorum
  • Enough vote no_with_veto when compared with total votes to meet the veto to total votes ratio specified in tally_params

The proposal will be considered "Rejected" and the funds deposited in the deposit period will be returned if

  • No one votes (or everyone votes to abstain)
  • More than threshold of non-abstaining voters vote no

Otherwise, the proposal will be accepted and changes will be implemented according to the proposal.



Submit a proposal along with an initial deposit

tx gov submit-proposal [flags]

There are different types of proposal submission types, of them include text, param-change, community-pool-spend, software-upgrade, and cancel-software-upgrade. We will go over each of these submission types in detail now:

submit-proposal (text)

Submit a proposal in text form

tx gov submit-proposal --title --description --type="Text" --from --chain-id

Text proposals differ from other proposal submission types in that after it passes, no logic is automatically executed. This is good for proposing changes to Osmosis that are not linked to a specific daemon parameter.

::: details Example

Create a text signaling proposals to match external incentives for a DOGE/OSMO and DOGE/ATOM pair.

osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal --title="Match External Incentives for DOGE/OSMO and DOGE/ATOM pairs" --description="Input description" --type="Text" --from=WALLET_NAME --chain-id=CHAIN_ID


submit-proposal (param change)

Submit a proposal to modify network parameters during run time

tx gov submit-proposal param-change [proposal-file] --from --chain-id

::: details Example

Change the parameter MaxValidators (maximum number of validator) in the staking module:

osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal param-change proposal.json --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id CHAIN_ID

The proposal.json file would look as follows:

"title": "Staking Param Change",
"description": "Update max validators",
"changes": [
"subspace": "staking",
"key": "MaxValidators",
"value": 150


submit-proposal (community pool spend)

Submit a proposal and request funds from the community pool to support projects or other activities

tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend [proposal-file] --from --chain-id

::: details Example

Submit a proposal to use community funds to fund a DAO:

osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend proposal.json --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id CHAIN_ID

The proposal.json would look as follows:

"title": "Osmosis DAO",
"description": "Establish a DAO for Osmosis. Potentially add external links for more information or allow discussion",
"recipient": "osmo1r9pjvsuahxwkxg8cnhacd6alkmxq330fl9pqqt",
"amount": [
"denom": "uosmo",
"amount": "60000000000"

If passed, the requested community funds would be sent to the recipient address provided in the json file. :::

submit-proposal (software upgrade)

Submit an upgrade proposal and suggest a software upgrade at a specific block height

tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade [proposal-file] --from --chain-id

::: details Example

Update osmosis to V4:

osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade proposal.json --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id CHAIN_ID

The proposal.json would look as follows:

"name": "v4",
"time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"height": "1314500",
"info": "",


submit-proposal (cancel upgrade)

Cancel the planned software upgrade before the upgrade height is reached

tx gov submit-proposal cancel-software-upgrade --title= --description

The software upgrade does not have to be specified, as this will cancel the currently active software upgrade proposal.

::: details Example

If the above software upgrade proposal in the previous example was active, to propose its cancellation, run the following:

osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal cancel-software-upgrade --title="cancel v4" --description="cancel v4 upgrade" --from=WALLET_NAME --chain-id=CHAIN_ID


submit-proposal (update pool incentives)

Update the weight of specified pool gauges in regards to their share of incentives

tx gov submit-proposal update-pool-incentives [proposal-file] --from --chain-id

::: details Example

Update the pool incentives for gauge_id 0 and 1:

osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal update-pool-incentives proposal.json --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id CHAIN_ID

The proposal.json would look as follows:

"title": "Pool Incentive Adjustment",
"description": "Adjust pool incentives",
"records": [
"gauge_id": "0",
"weight": "100000"
"gauge_id": "1",
"weight": "1766249"



Deposit tokens for an active proposal

tx gov deposit [proposal-id] [deposit] --from --chain-id

::: details Example

If proposal number 12 is in the deposit period and you would like to help bring it to a vote, you could deposit 500 OSMO to that proposal as follows:

osmosisd tx gov deposit 12 500000000uosmo --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id CHAIN_ID



Vote for an active proposal

tx gov vote [proposal-id] [option] --from --chain-id

Valid value of option field is yes, no, no_with_veto and abstain.

::: details Example

To vote yes for proposal 12:

osmosisd tx gov vote 12 yes --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id CHAIN_ID




Query all proposals

query gov proposals [proposal-id]

::: details Example

We can list all proposals in json format by:

osmosisd query gov proposals -o json | jq

An example of the output:

"proposals": [
"proposal_id": "1",
"content": {
"@type": "/cosmos.params.v1beta1.ParameterChangeProposal",
"title": "Staking Param Change",
"description": "Update max validators",
"changes": [
"subspace": "staking",
"key": "MaxValidators",
"value": "150"
"final_tally_result": {
"yes": "50040000000000",
"abstain": "0",
"no": "0",
"no_with_veto": "0"
"submit_time": "2021-10-15T10:05:49.996956080Z",
"deposit_end_time": "2021-10-15T22:05:49.996956080Z",
"total_deposit": [
"denom": "uosmo",
"amount": "100000000"
"voting_start_time": "2021-10-15T10:14:56.958963929Z",
"voting_end_time": "2021-10-15T22:14:56.958963929Z"
"pagination": {
"next_key": null,
"total": "0"

In the above example, there is only one proposal with "proposal_id": "1", with the title: "Staking Param Change" that change the MaxValidators parameter of the staking module to 150. We can also see that the status of the proposal is "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED", which means that this proposal has been passed. In reality, the output would be much longer with all proposals listed. :::


Query details of a single proposal

query gov proposal [proposal-id]

::: details Example

To check proposal 13 and list in json format:

osmosisd query gov proposal 13 -o json | jq



Get the tally of a proposal vote

query gov tally [proposal-id]

::: details Example

To check the tally of proposal 13 and output in json:

osmosisd query gov tally 13 -o json | jq

Which outputs:

"yes": "11126523145952",
"abstain": "58623193556",
"no": "44915148922",
"no_with_veto": "5194297427"

This shows how the community voted on a specific proposal. :::


Query the current gov parameters

query gov params

::: details Example

To check the current gov parameters and output in json:

osmosisd query gov params --output json | jq

Which outputs:

"voting_params": {
"voting_period": "259200000000000"
"tally_params": {
"quorum": "0.200000000000000000",
"threshold": "0.500000000000000000",
"veto_threshold": "0.334000000000000000"
"deposit_params": {
"min_deposit": [
"denom": "uosmo",
"amount": "500000000"
"max_deposit_period": "1209600000000000"

See the network parameters section for a detailed explanation of the above parameters. :::


Current Configuration

gov module: Network Parameter effects and current configuration

The following tables show overall effects on different configurations of the gov related network parameters:

Typearray (coins)string (time ns)string (time ns)
HigherLarger window for calculating the downtimeMore time to solicit funds to reach min_deposit Longer voting period
LowerSmaller window for calculating the downtimeLess time to solicit funds to reach min_depositShorter voting period
ConstraintsValue has to be a positive integerValue has to be positiveValue has to be positive
Current configuration500000000 (500 OSMO) 1209600000000000 (2 weeks) 259200000000000 (3 days)
Typestring (dec)string (dec)string (dec)
HigherEasier for a proposal to be passedEasier for a proposal to be passedEasier for a proposal to be passed
LowerHarder for a proposal to be passedHarder for a proposal to be passedHarder for a proposal to be passed
ConstraintsValue has to be less or equal to 1Value has to be less or equal to 1Value has to be less or equal to 1
Current configuration0.2 (20%)0.5 (50%)0.334 (33.4%)